Corpserve Registrars is a leading share registrars company. We provide an array of services to the country’s investing public and we take pride in our excellent service delivery that has seen us retaining the management of the country’s top performers on the bourse.


As a shift from the traditional business, Corpserve has embraced the application of appropriate technology to define new products and services.  Some of the technology driven products & services that are now being offered by Corpserve include, but not limited to, the following:

Our Market Proposition

Behind Corpserve’s success is a wide range of innovative technology that drives most of its business ideologies. All our products and services are backed by state of the art software that delivers innovative solutions to every challenging situation presented to us by our clients. It is the same reason why we remain confident of our ability to serve our clients more effectively and efficiently than any of our competitors.

Our Interfaces

While the above systems are capable of executing Corpserve’s core business activities, they come equipped with platforms that allow them to connect with other vendors’ systems. This therefore enhances our operations as our systems are able to talk to systems of our other key partners. The following are the available interfaces we are currently enjoying:

Share registry - CSD systems interface

To enhance the way we serve our clients, we realized the need to be abreast with the latest trading updates as they take place at the Lusaka Stock Exchange. To this end, we created an interfacing facility in our share registry system which accepts files from the Central Scrip Depositary system managed at Lusaka Stock Exchange. We are therefore able to receive regular updates from the mainstream registers maintained at Lusaka Stock Exchange. This interface not only equips Corpserve with up to date share registry activities but also enables us to track changes as they are plugged in by the stock exchange. Turnaround time for executions of shareholders’ queries is enhanced. Our clients enjoy interactive share movement reports that are made possible because of this interface.

Share Registry - Banking System Interface

To enhance the processing of most corporate action transactions, Corpserve enjoys a seamless interface with bank systems where payments can be transmitted electronically from the Corpserve’s systems to the banking systems with limited, if any, human intervention. This interface has ensured timely processing of payments that are error free. Encrypted files are passed between the systems to eliminate security threats. In Zambia, this facility is being used for dividend payments and IPO refund payments. Thus, we can guarantee our clients of a risk-free process carefully managed to execute any corporate action payment process be it dividends, IPO refunds, rights and share options. On the other side of the interface, is the ability to receive bank statements from the banks and upload them into our share registry system for that Electronic Reconciliation of dividends that is not only seamless, but time effective.

Share Register - Online & Short Code System

Our share registry system can interface with any online share registry system platform for provision of live data updates. This secure interface ensures that shareholders are able to access real time updates on their portfolios. Further, there are plug inns to interface the Wireless and Mobile Platforms.

6 Mwaleshi Road, Olympia Park,
PO Box 37522,

+260 (211) 256969/70; 295888

Fax: +260 (211) 256975